Then that is followed buy businesses advertising for your vote or phone calls from people you know wanting you to vote for them .
What does it all really mean while some businesses do deserve the award ,is it really well deserved
or just that you have more friends that you had vote for you than others .
Than there are those that do nothing to solicited your vote what about them are they bag company not worth dealing with because they have no award.
does getting the award make you better than others , I think not I know of one business that spends more time every year getting your vote that they do running their business , to them getting the award is more important than just supplying a prefect product to their clients .
I am sure that there are more company out there like them as well .
Don't get me wrong I think if your work deserves an award than why not, but look over the winners every year they are the same time and time again and in most cases its who you are and who you know not how well you run you business.
I have run my company for over 37 years I spend all my energy on providing my customer with the best product and service they deserve.
In all that time I have never tried to or won an award .
I have been lucky enough to have had one of my project placed on the front cover of a home plan magazine as well as a few write ups in publication .
As for the awards they are what they are and while one should not discount getting one it is more how you got the award and what is more important the award or providing a service that warrant getting the award.