
Friday, November 23, 2012

Work work work almost every year christmas comes around and suddenly no work.
No matter how many time you try to schedule work there is always something getting in the way, this year I had 4 house builds in the works and one by one they decide spring would be better ,sure when every man and his mother suddenly wants things done before they arrive at the cottage for the summer.

What kills me is do they not think what are we going to do all winter to pay bills, or even get by Christmas.
It's not that they don't have the money, they just don't think we can work in the winter and do not want drive up here in the winter to check progress.

Yes I know there is some work going on, not all of us are out of work but over the 36 years I have been doing this it happen quite often.
I am so tired of scraping by some winters, and for what ,I do quality workmanship I have extensive experience in all aspects of the trade.

I find myself looking at having to drive to the city to work if I can,t hook up with work soon.
I do have some work coming up but that is in the air could go after the holidays or before but not solid.

I can tell you that this will be my last winter here in muskoka moving south where work is on going and I do not have to look at my family at Christmas and say sorry.

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