Well foundation is in and the framer rolls in and out comes the guys tools are set up and work begins.
Right off some guys start building the beams and setting it in place.
while others start installing the sill plates as they go they tighten down the nuts .
Once the plates are down the guys start installing rim boards and joist it is now that they start to notice that the sill plate and rim board do not lay flat together but just keep going .
Now that the joist are installed it is plywood time , it is here that they start finding that the sheets are not all landing on joist and start cutting to fit.
So up till now the framer has been able to get around the few problem they have ran into but the worst is yet to come.
The wall plates are marked and walls are built but they start to run into problems with putting plywood on , it will not go square between the walls and they have to stand some with no plywood .
By now you get the picture while they will get the house finished it will be filled with problem for all the trades as they build and the end product will be substandard.
This could have been avoided by following one simple rule SSLD strait square level and dimension . this simple rule when followed will make your job as framer run smooth and fast.
when you first show up at a new job you take time to check the foundation to make sure that it is square , strait , level and that it is the right dimension.
The problem is that many framer do not follow this simple step and a lot do not know how to adjust when things are out and still make the build square and level .
It is quite easy to tell if a home was built square and level ,how many times have you seen tile run from one size to another against the wall .
or look at the soffit and see it go from small to large .
how many times have you seen humps in the roof or trim not joining just right .
It's like I keep saying if you hire by price along you will soon regret that choice .
when choosing a builder price is the last point on your list .
On Time On Budget Total Satisfaction
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