
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Really How Much

Really How Much !

It never seems to amaze me just how low some people are willing to devalue themselves .There is this mentality out there that it does not matter how low they go with there price as long as they get the job, this so wrong in so many ways .

For one ,on the home owners side the cheaper the cost most often the cheaper the job ,we have all heard the saying " the joy of a low price is quickly replaced be the reality of a poor job" how many times have we all heard of this happening , and yet customers are still wanting low prices over quality workmanship. 

Now on the trades side if they keep doing work for below average cost they can not maintain their tools ,truck or standard of living , if they are living below the standard than they can not add to the economy by up grading their life style.
The most common problem with hiring by price is that the contractor is working for so little that he has to work fast and cut corners to make money and good luck getting them to come back if there is a problem .

It is not just home owners that are the cause for low prices but retailers that offer install as well they make their money on the sale and then have their installers work for so little.

When you add in that some of these trades are trying stay legal with paying into WSIB and Tax as well as licences this can only lead to failure and that is one main reason so many contractor work under the table .

Every time a client ask me if I could lower my price I ask them if they will work for less and if they could call their boss and tell him that they will .
I have never lowered my price in fact I have made a living by telling people that I am more money than the rest and then I begin to explain why .
I can tell you that if you can deliver what you promise then you will find that you do not have to lower your price.

my company Moto  "  On Time On Budget Total Satisfaction "      

Until the trades start sticking to their price and clients care more about quality than low cost  we will all continue to suffer in one way or another . 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cell Phones in the Work Place

Cell phone in the work place

like it or not just about everyone has a cell phone and it is becoming a problem .
just like when driving using cell phone when working can lead to accidents .
I have had employee that are texting when up on rafters or cutting wood just texting and not paying attention will end up hurting themselves .

It is becoming apparent all over the county that using cell phone while working is a distraction and accidents will and have started to happen in some work places.
employer need to start implementing guild line for cell phone and electronic devices at the work place .

On many job sites and work places you can see employees wearing ear buds when working and this too can be distracting if they can not here whats going on around them.

As of today all my employee are to leave all such devices in their lunch boxes and can only check them at break and lunch .
I have told all employee to have emergency call made to my number and then I will get hold of them .
remember not to long ago that was how it was done before we all had cell phones  
If we as employers do not get on top of this now it is going to become a big problem I have talked to other business owner and they all agree that cell phones at work is becoming a problem with most employee texting all day long while working 
So it is up to you to take charge and set guild line for cell phone use while at work.