
Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have had it !
whats with this crap this winter u can't call it winter anymore , my god one day it snows next day it rains .
then we go down below -20 and right back up to +7 the hole winter thing is over you can not work in this stuff . I liked working in the winter I could always dress for the cold and get things done now it just seems that u are wet or frozen your body can not keep up with the changes.
This type of weather is affecting my clients as well they just do not want to get things done . The added cost for working in these condition, and the time delays is just making thing stress full.
On top of everything the gas prices keep going up and in turn the cost of materials gos up making the cost of doing the projects go up .
Just when you think it can not get any worst with so many people out of work ,the low baller start coming out, they do not have over head or lic. or most times the skill to do the job but when your price is twice there's its hard for most clients to get past it .
Then that's just one more job lost and they can add up and before you know it your bottom line is not so good .
when money starts to shrink you have to cut back and if that is advertising then you start that slow slide to being out of work .
Add to all this mess the big push on TV and at box store for DIY please this is just another straw in the camels back , most people can not do what they think they can and then there is the fact that building permits are almost never taken out.
Those that think that they did a great job find out just how bad they did when it comes time to sell and possible buyers start commenting on the quality of the work .
Of course there is those that screw up so bad that they need to call in a contractor to fix there work and finish.
well I am in for the long haul because I truly love what I do and my client can tell be the quality of my work and the respect I show for there personal projects.;

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